Monday, August 17, 2009

Dead tired!

Fuck, haven't been sleeping since Friday, god damn how am i suppose to go on like that, anyway eventually i will get use to it i hope. Today AHM run was totally a big eye sight for me. For the very first time seeing so much people gathering in the early morning for just a run, serious i would just hope for a chance to join in that run.
Had an early celebration of my birthday with my family as i will not have time for the past 2 weeks training been tough but still it have to go on, there no running from it. But somehow it seem I'm getting attracted to training especially phycially ones.

Out with Lionel and 'Mummy', watched District 9 . Althought is abit fuck up but overall it just not quite a bad movie. Went on to find some old friends and headed home. Well, i realise myself, im changing into another person but rather a better than the last one.

Thanks 'Mummy' for your time. Closest Friend i had ever had . !